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Secrets to Getting Your House in Order

Secrets to Getting Your House in Order is a 5 week program that guides you through preparing your company before your first bid. The topics include:

  1. Setting up Your Office

  2. Meeting the Requirements

  3. Organizing Your Documents

  4. Documenting Your Services

  5. Proving Your Skills

No More Mistakes With Certifications

No More Mistakes with Certifications is a 4 week program helps you identify which certifications you should obtain. Topics include:

  1. Understanding Certifications (Local, State, Federal and Commercial)

  2. Why Primes and Government Entities Need Certified Small Businesses

  3. Reviewing Certification Applications

  4. Certification Documentation Requirements



Want A Thriving Business? Focus On Identifying Primes

Focus on Identifying Primes is a 4 week program that introduces you to prime contractors that need certified small businesses. Topics include:

  1. What Primes Say about Subcontractors

  2. How to Meet Prime Contractor Requirements

  3. Understanding Subcontracting Plans

  4. Becoming a Preferred Subcontractor

Certifications Are Essential For Your Success. Find Out Why

In this 4 week course, learn why Certifications are Essential to your small business success. You will learn how to market your certifications to government entities and prime contractors. Topics include:

  1. Research Your Target Market

  2. Create Marketing Plan

  3. Implement Your Marketing Plan


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